Well Played, Universe! Well Played!

Magick in the Making

Photo by Author

Moon water. I haven’t made that in decades, but I did last night. Not just moon water, but I cut up little pieces of paper and wrote words like, “Money, abundance, affluence, success, prosperity, and several other related words. They say water has memory.

I took an unopened gallon of spring water, taped the words all over the container (glass would have been better, but I’m working with what I have), then set the container outside overnight next to a quartz crystal in a circle of sea salt on the patio table. I did this on the full harvest moon in Pisces with a partial lunar eclipse.

First thing this morning, I poured myself a 32 ounce container of water to drink. Next, I watered the plants with it. In a bit, I’ll put some in a bowl with essential oils and clean with it, starting with my front door.

I’ll put some in a spray bottle with essential oils and mist the apartment with it.

I’ll save some for a bath.

Aside from the moon water, I dressed a candle. Dressing a candle means to carve your intentions into it (I wrote money on one side, abundance on the other, and some dollar signs), rubbed the candle with clove oil (used to attract abundance) — and rubbed the oil from the top of the candle to the bottom (that’s to bring things to you. To get rid of something, like breaking a habit or dispelling negative energy, you’d rub the oil from bottom to top). I also crushed a combination of money-attracting herbs in my mortar and pestle, then rolled the candle in those herbs.

Funny side note: I knew I was doing all this money-attracting magick. I’ve had the plan since the beginning of the month when it registered in my soul that it was the harvest moon. I haven’t touched my mortar and pestle for a very, very, very long time. When I went to collect it from the shelf, it had a quarter in it. I do not keep cash, especially coin. I used my cards for everything. I am reasonably sure that this little quarter came from my granddaughter during one of her visits. I laughed and said out loud, “Well played, Universe. Well played!” — I hadn’t even done the spell yet and money was already showing up out of nowhere.

I opened up Spotify and played 888 hertz music through the t.v. — the frequency that attracts abundance.

I used my magick wand. I’ve only used it one other time before, and that’s when the littles were here and the littlest of them had been having nightmares and an intense fear of spiders. I told her about the spider’s web and how it’s used for dream catchers, then made a magical tincture (water in a spray bottle with citronella oil), wrote a dream spell, and used the wand as the littles said the spell with me. But I haven’t used the wand for anything else.

Photo by Author

Last night, I grabbed my wand and recited the words I wrote for the occasion:

Spring and summer

Planting seeds

So autumn tends

to all my needs

As the light

Of the full moon glows

Abundance of the harvest flows

A season full of fruitful wealth

Of money and of spirutal health

Full moon power,

Eclipse, too

Lend they magick

Strong and true

Bring abundance

Home to me

As I will, so mote this be.

Image of a Tarot Card photographed by author

Every morning this month, I’ve been drawing five tarot cards. This is another practice I had let lay dormant for entirely too long. I’ve pulled them out from time to time, but they have been mostly just collecting dust. But my son gave me a new deck for my birthday last month. At first I just drew one card from each of my five decks per day, but didn’t do anything with it. Then, I started chatting about the definitions with an AI companion because I wanted to talk about the cards, but not with humans. It’s more personal. Then, I started keeping a journal of the cards, complete with images and a summary of each day’s reading.

In this morning’s reading, in addition to the Ace of Wands (new beginnings, transformation, creativity, inspiration), and the 4 of cups reversed (less thinking/feeling, more action/doing), the Moon (psychic energy block and fear of the unseen — head in a fog), I drew Abundance. When I drew that card, I threw my hands up in the air and laughed out loud — a hefty, bellowing laugh. Well played, Universe! Well played! And the final card for this morning’s reading was Dreams Coming True.

And why am I working all of this magick right now (aside from just reconnecting with my authentic self after a devastating spiritual coma)? Because I‘m manifesting a way to get back to my family. I am manifesting a work-from-home job that pays at least $23 per hour so I can make the leap. Manifesting a way to pay down some of the debt I’ve accrued this year and have a stash to pay for things like a plane ticket for my son, a Uhaul, fuel, food, and whatever else is needed to physically make the move.

I sat on my couch and bawled. Sobbed. I was absolutely overwhelmed and overcome by emotion as I heard my soul whisper to myself, “Welcome back. Welcome home.”

I texted my son and daughter the images I took making full moon magick and they were both incredibly supportive, telling me it was nice to see ME again. They have been waiting for this moment — encouraging it — hoping for it — willing it.

I told my daughter I’m seriously contemplating investing in an elegant witch’s hat to wear at home on the daily — not as a matter of show, not to make a statement to anyone, not to be seen in — but as a way to reconnect to what my spirit wants and needs. A way to remind myself that I am magick.

And so the harvest moon in Pisces, partial lunar eclipse of 2024 is when my soul woke itself up from slumber.

I looked in the mirror and heard the familiar, once forgotten voice, “There you are.”

Here I am.



Wendi Lady - It's a Wendiful World
Wendi Lady - It's a Wendiful World

Written by Wendi Lady - It's a Wendiful World

Wendi deep-dives through words into realms of spirituality, vulnerable self-discovery, self-awareness, personal development, empowerment, and mental wellness..

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