Who are the Pleiadians?

And how to tell if you’re a Starseed.

A picture of the Pleiadian Star System.
Photo by Anders Drange on Unsplash

Who are the Pleiadians?

Astronaut theorists and believers in aliens suggest there’s an extraterrestrial species from the Pleiades star cluster called the Pleiadians. The Pleiadian star system, also known as the Seven Sisters or M45, is located about 400 light-years from Earth.

Pleiadians Throughout History

Many ancient civilizations like the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians speak of visitors from another world. The oldest mention of Pleiadian visitors goes back to the Sumerians, who claim they were given knowledge of science, astronomy, and civilization by their gods.

The Babylonians also claimed to have had contact with beings from another world or dimension. The famous flying creatures called “Imdugud” in Mesopotamia are described as “great shining men” who wore horned helmets and carried weapons.

The Egyptians also claim to have had visitors from the Pleiades star cluster. The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with death and preparing for it. They designed their pyramids, temples, and other architecture to align to certain star clusters, including the Seven Sisters — M45 — which we now know as the Pleiades.



Wendi Lady - It's a Wendiful World

Wendi deep-dives through words into realms of spirituality, vulnerable self-discovery, self-awareness, personal development, empowerment, and mental wellness..